How to Increase the Durability and Feasibility of Your Civil Engineering Project

Posted on: 22 May 2020

Civil engineering work has become increasingly essential over the years. As more people migrate to urban areas, infrastructures such as roads, bridges, and buildings will need to be more durable, flexible and capable of meeting the needs of residents.

Regardless of the type of project that you're planning, durability and feasibility will be key goals among your long list of objectives. This is because most types of infrastructure are likely to undergo heavy use and will require timely maintenance. Proper planning will also allow you to control costs and stay within project timelines. The challenge that most project owners face is how to tackle durability and feasibility within the same scope.

Because feasibility is an assessment of the practicability of a project and durability refers to how long your infrastructure will last, it isn't surprising that addressing both elements can be confusing. Read on to find out how you can tailor your project to meet both goals.    

Key efficiency parameters

Measuring durability and feasibility sounds easier than it actually is. Indeed, there are many parameters that can be used, and each project will have unique KPIs for objectively determining performance. As you embark on planning for your project, you should consider energy efficiency, waste production/disposal, impact on health and technological compatibility. These parameters have become essential measures of output and efficiency across a wide variety of projects.

For example, designing and building a bridge requires consideration of energy efficiency, capacity, maintenance planning and even capital generation. Meeting such criteria will ensure that the bridge can actually perform effectively while lasting for years to come.

Boosting efficiency

Speaking of efficiency, this parameter is one of the most important when ensuring the durability and feasibility of engineering projects. Efficiency can only be achieved when multiple stakeholders work together towards a common goal. For example, you need all suppliers to meet quality expectations and delivery timelines, while also relying on engineering professionals to provide the best blueprints and plans for your project. You will also depend on a wide variety of service providers to tie up loose ends and keep the project running smoothly.

Utility providers, waste disposal companies and even technology service providers will be an essential part of the overall efficiency chain. When done correctly, you can make very complex projects increasingly feasible and the end product durable for years to come.

Planning for contingencies

Finally, don't forget to plan for contingencies during the project. You can also think of contingencies as risk management, where you plan for potential risks in advance and prepare a response plan. Large projects come with multiple types of risk that may affect feasibility. This is why, in collaboration with your civil engineering partners, you should have a comprehensive risk management plan that includes assessment and mitigation.

To learn more, reach out to an engineering service.


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